
Sip Pray Love

How to Read the Bible Chronologically: In the Beginning…

Ever found yourself wanting to read the entire Bible in chronological order but felt a bit lost on where to begin?

Woman thinking with a book.

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You're not alone! Through this series of blog posts, I'm going to share some of the most striking moments from each chapter of the Bible, as I see them.

Here are some of the resources I use for my everyday reading and bible study:

II'll be sprinkling in a bit of historical context and biblical history to help you grasp, or maybe even deepen, your understanding of the word of God to us. I just have one request: as you read, try to focus on God's character, on finding Him in the pages. 

I remember my first time reading the Bible, I was all about figuring out what to do according to its teachings, pinpointing my mistakes, even what others were doing wrong. 

Here's the thing: the Bible isn't just a rule book or a finger-wagging judge. It's about building a relationship with God, finding comfort and guidance, not guilt or judgment. It is a personal journey and I am more than happy to share it with you.

IThis book, it's not just a one-time read. You should read it until you graduate from this life. Every time you pick it up, year after year, you'll find something new in it, something you didn't see before. And don't be surprised if it makes you rethink a few things here and there. Just keep chatting with God, asking for a bit of wisdom and clarity, and you'll see how this whole book keeps on giving, like a gift that doesn't get old.

The Story of Creation: Book of Genesis

This beautiful, complex universe around us, with all its mysteries and marvels, is often seen through different lenses, different ways – science and faith. But here's a thought: they don't have to be in conflict.

In fact, they can complement each other in the most fascinating ways. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, gives us a big picture of the historical account of the story of creation. 

the Bible open. Rivers and mountain as they were creating.

When we read the Bible, you are opening a window to see the world through God's perspective. It's not just about understanding the ‘how' of creation, but also embracing the ‘why'. 

It's about recognizing the love and intentionality behind every star in the sky and every creature on the earth. This journey through the Bible is not just about gathering knowledge; it's about deepening our relationship with God, understanding His love for us, and seeing the world as a reflection of His glory.

The Account of Creation: Genesis 1

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”

Genesis 1:1 NIV

This simple sentence opens the door to one of the most awe-inspiring truths we'll ever encounter. The universe, with its billions of stars, is said to outnumber every grain of sand on every beach in the world. Just think about that for a second!

Now, some folks might say that this all just happened by chance, but I find it takes a lot more faith to believe that than to see the hand of a loving Creator behind it all. 

This vast, beautifully ordered universe didn't just come out of nowhere; it's a masterpiece painted by God Himself, a testament to His incredible power and, more importantly, His love for us.

A picture of the universe

Have you ever wondered how exactly God created the earth? Or who created God Himself? These questions are super intriguing but also really tough to wrap our heads around. 

The Bible tells us that God has always been around – hard to imagine, right? He was there, with some others (Gen 1:26), shaping the earth and the entire universe. Our human minds are pretty awesome, but they're not built to fully grasp things that are infinite. 

It's kind of like numbers – we know there's no end to them, but can we count them all? Nope. That's just how it is with understanding everything about God.

There's a lot about Him that's beyond our understanding, and that's okay. It's part of the mystery and wonder that makes faith so special.

Days of Creation

How long did it actually take for God to create the world? Well, there are a couple of ways people tend to look at this:

  1. One view is that each day in the Creation story was a literal 24-hour period. 
  2. Another idea is that each ‘day' could represent a much longer, undefined stretch of time. 

The Bible doesn't spell out exactly how long these days were, so it's a bit of a mystery. Here's what I think: just like God is beyond the bounds of time, these days mentioned in Genesis might not be regular 24-hour days as we know them in our daily life.

When we try to put a timer on God's creative process, it's like we're limiting His incredible power. It's the same amazing power that could set up family relationships in such a way to fill the earth without causing issues down the line. 

a being with his hand raised like giving instructions to the universe.

Our understanding of time just doesn't apply to God’s way of doing things. It's one of those beautiful mysteries that remind us of how limitless God really is.

Day One

“Let there be light”. And then there was light and darkness.

When I read about the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, hovering over the waters in the Creation story, it paints such a comforting picture in my mind. It's like thinking of a mother bird, gently caring for and watching over her little ones.  

“…like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft. The Lord alone led him; no foreign god was with him.”

Deuteronomy 32:11-12 NIV

“Like birds hovering overhead, the Lord Almighty will shield Jerusalem; he will shield it and deliver it, he will ‘pass over’ it and will rescue it.”

Isaiah 31:5 NIV

It shows us that God's Spirit wasn't just passively there; it was actively, lovingly involved in the whole process of the creation of the world. It's such a warm and protective image, isn't it? It reminds us of the nurturing side of God's nature, right from the very beginning.”

Day Two

Heavens is created and waters separated.

He split the waters up, creating a beautiful space in between. Up above, the waters made the sky, and down below, they gave life to the earth. And right there in the middle, He made the heavens, a blank space. 

“who by his understanding made the heavens, His love endures forever. who spread out the earth upon the waters, His love endures forever.”

Psalms 136:5-6 NIV
a globe surrounded by water.

Day Three

Land appeared and waters gathered, vegetation appears. 

“Should you not fear me?” declares the Lord. Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it.

Jeremiah 5:22 NIV

“But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.”

2 Peter 3:5 NIV

Day Four

Sun, moon, and stars make an appearance. They will rule the day and the night and to mark the seasons, days, and years. 

“the sun to govern the day, His love endures forever. the moon and stars to govern the night; His love endures forever.. Picture this: the sun, moon, and stars finally make their grand entrance. It's like the universe's big light show!

Psalms 136:8-9 NIV

The sun takes the day shift, lighting up our world with warmth and energy. Then, as evening rolls in, the moon and stars take over, bringing a cool, serene vibe to the night. It's not just about giving us light, though.

These celestial bodies are like nature's calendar. They keep track of time for us, marking the change of seasons, counting our days, and ticking off the years. It's pretty cool when you think about it. We've got our very own cosmic timekeepers up there in the sky!

The moon and the sun in the sky

Day Five

Fish and birds appear to fill the waters and the sky. 

“Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.”

Genesis 2:19 NIV

Day Six

Animals fill the earth. Male and female are created to rule the earth and living creatures. 

In Genesis 1:26, there's this part where God says, “Let's make human beings in our image.” A group a people believe this is about the Trinity, but I feel like that's not giving God enough credit. 

There's this other idea that God was chatting with His divine council, which includes Jesus and the Spirit. That's the camp I'm in. Picture this scene where God's not alone but with a bunch of other spiritual beings (Elohim) when He decides to create humans. 

They're all in on it together, but when it comes to actually making us, it's God's image we're made in, as it says in Genesis 1:28.The Bible doesn't spell out exactly how similar we are to God. 

We're definitely not His equals, but there's some resemblance, right? 

Then, there are all these stories in the Bible, like the Tower of Babel, that show God kind of has to keep us on a short leash. We can get a bit wild and try stuff we probably shouldn't. In that Babel story, God even says, “Nothing will be impossible for them,” and then goes ahead and mixes up our languages. It's like He knows we need some boundaries, or who knows what we'd get up to!

God created both man and woman in His image.

man and woman standing side by side

It's pretty clear that one isn't more of a reflection of God than the other. The woman is described as the “helper” in the Bible, and the original Hebrew word used for this is “ezer.”  

This word doesn't mean any kind of help; it's the same word used to describe God Himself 66 times in Scripture! This “ezer” is all about strength, power, protection, and rescue.

From the get-go, the Bible places both man and woman right at the top of God's creation list. It’s like saying, “Hey, you both are equally important and special.”

 There's no gender getting the spotlight over the other; both are equally valued and cherished. Our identity, who we really are, that’s something given to us by God. It’s not about what society says, what we've been through, or where we grew up. 

When God handed over a bit of His authority to the human race, He kind of set us up as the caretakers of our planet. He trusted us with this huge responsibility to look after the environment and all the other creatures that call Earth home.  

We've got to be mindful about this role. We can't just be careless or wasteful as we go about it. It's all about respecting the gift we've been given and making sure we're doing our part to keep everything in balance. 

Guide to study the Bible

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Day Seven

God finished all his work and rested from all His work. God blessed this day and declared it holy. 

God looked at everything He created and saw that it was very good. That includes you! You're a part of this incredible creation, and God is really pleased with how He made you. 

If there are moments when you feel down, like you're not worth much or don't have much value, just remember that God didn't make you by accident. He made you for a really good reason. 

You are valuable to Him. You're a unique piece in this amazing puzzle of creation, and without you, things just wouldn't be the same. So whenever you're doubting yourself, just remember that you're important and valued in God's eyes.

Sip Pray Love

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